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Creating Day Opportunities For Older Black People in the Community

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Our Vision

“Empowerment and Inclusion for Black African Older People in Greater Manchester – to help connect them with local services.”

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Interaction and bonding for the older people.

Older people have bonded, and they are happily empowered in the community

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Therapeutic brain stimulation activities

Jigsaw puzzles is one of the therapeutic activities mastered and enjoyed by older people

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Therapeutic education sessions

Therapeutic educational sessions for older people at the Centre

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Cooking Sessions at the Day Centre

Students display their ready and yummy meal. The hard work is much appreciated

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Physical Activities at the Day Centre

Older people engage in simple physical exercises to promote mental and physical health

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Handicraft Making

Older people enjoy various bonding therapeutic activities: knitting for relaxation, exercising fingers and eye coordination

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Table Games

Strategic card games exercise memory and concentration, which help improve memory and prevent cognitive decline in older people.

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University Students

University students are integral to service delivery at OBADO. Older people bond with them very well, and they are much loved and appreciated at OBADO.

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Happy Elders

Older people have bonded so well in the OBADO Family as happy elders.

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Welcoming Elders

OBADO staff warmly welcome elderly individuals to the Day Centre to socialize, reducing their isolation.

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Who we are

OBADO is a registered Community Interest Company setup to empower and promote inclusion; which aims to address the lack of day centre services in North Manchester that provide culturally specific services for black people.

What Older People Say About OBADO

Our Day Care, Our Family, Our Community.

We work collaboratively with health professionals: General Practitioners (GPs), District Nurses, Social Workers; local churches etc. to empower older black Africans by increasing their knowledge of services available in their local areas. Helping them to confront issues and obstacles they face in their lives whilst participating in fun activities they have told us they would like to do. Also removing barriers that prevent them from accessing mainstream services and participation in their communities.

Our Services

Spiritual well-being

Advice and Advocacy

Emotional, Physical and Mental Health Support

Provide Cultural Food and Nourishment

Will and End of Life Advice

Are you 50 or over and looking for free advice? We’re here to help.

Looking For Activities

Are you looking for a day center for you or for your elderly where you can engage with other people and engage in various fun activities
View events

What Our Elders are Saying


Lois Baraka

“Older Black Day Opportunities means a lot to me.  I meet other people from other communities.  I feel stress free,  I feel happy and staff members are very good to me.   I don’t want to miss a day and we do exercise, eat food and have a laugh.  I enjoy."

Simpson Okiti

“Coming to the Centre has been rewarding, beneficial and wonderful.  It has solved our loneliness and made us more lively and hopeful.  It is just wonderful and very difficult to put in words.  May God bless the proprietors and organisers."

Grace Bayagboh

“I like OBADO because anytime I am here am happy because I meet my mates and play game and it makes me joy.  I like to come.”

Grace Ogiehor

“I thank my sister Julie who directed me here.  When I get here, I love the unity, different exercises and games “ladders and snakes”  I enjoy it.  I did not know how to knit, but now I know.  I enjoy OBADO, the head of the OBADO, Dorothy whenever have problems, she solves it.”


“My name is Cecilia.  My son brought me here.  I always enjoyed staying with my friends and dancing.  The staff and my friends look after me.  I am happy”

Addo – Mantebea Beatrice

“We enjoyed being with my neighbours. We play, laugh, sing, dance and eat delicious foods.  I always feel free than when I stay home lonely.  Our care takers are free, boldly with all of us.  Thank them.  May God bless them.  My daughter brought me here.  I always feel happy when I come here.”

Comfort Boakye

“I am Comfort Boakye and so happy to come to OBADO, if I wake up I am so happy to come because my stress can go down for me.  Our leaders are very good, everybody like me, I also like everyone here.  And I come and eat good food here.  I like to come here every day and for exercise, so I am happy.”

Stella Ojetteh

“I love coming to older because I like learning what I don’t know for people and I am happy to see people and we play together whenever I am there I am always happy”

Julie Appia

“I am an African black woman leaving in my house alone.  I come to the centre to join my age groups whom are pensioners like me.  Coming here is helping me to solve my loneliness problem.  The people I meet are lovely we play together, we sing and play games.  The leaders are faithful they cook food two times for us anytime we come to the centre.  I am happy to be here.”

Tina Adjei-Bohyeni

“I am here to join my fellow pensioners.  The reason why I am here is to chart and play games with them.  I am alone in my house so I am happy to be here I enjoy the group because those I meet are my age group.  I thank God for the leaders they are taking good care of us they feed us two times before we leave the centre.  I am very happy to be here also it cut down a bit of my Electricity bills.”

Georgina Nwachukwu

“I am very happy coming to OBADO.  They love and take care of older ones and show kindness and unity.  Anytime I remember coming to OBADO, I feel happy that why I do not want to miss OBADO.  We ate so many kinds of food and breakfast.  We make so many exercise and play so many kind of games.  I thank those taking care of us.  May God bless them and bless us too.”

Maureen Mulungi

“Coming to the Day Centre has helped me to live a very happy life by meeting new people.  I have made friendly new connections.  I like talking to them.”

Betty Ssempagama

Dear Director of Obado Group,

I would like to thank you for the great opportunity on encouraging me to study. It was not easy for the fact that English was not my first language and l was struggling during assignment plus my age.

When l see my Certificates, I feel proud and always you are the first person who comes in my mind. Also l was encouraged by friends to give up but l persisted l believe education has no age limit and l advise my friends to study if they have a chance. No where l would have got this chance if l was back home.

God bless you

Doris Chitemerere

"Hi all, I just want to show my gratitude and appreciation to OBADO for The Cultural foods and Natural Remedies they have been supporting Communities with .
These things have helped so much.
The dillemmas in our Communities is about food allergies. As we all know Natural foods help a lot. The reactions that goes with food allergies are quite disturbing.
In my life as old as i am i know for sure of some foods that can make people miserable .

To OBADO i just want to say thank you and keepup with the good work you are doing and to All The Charities you ROCK thank you for putting humanity first .
Charities like OBADO and others have made a huge differnce during this devastating pandemic"

Stella Akindele

"OBADO has been supporting my family since last year. If not because Obado supplies my family with cultural food we won't be able to afford it. I lost my husband suddenly and one of my daughters hours was reduced due to covid and my other daughter booking was also cancelled the only one who is earning. With the help of Obado bringing food to my family we are able to eat our cultural food it's means a lot to me and my family and make us happy. Thanks so much for all you doing. God bless you. Keep up the good work. We appreciate all the food."

Rhona N Musoke

"I send my appreciation to the entire OBADO Team. Thank you very much indeed. Yes, I benefit from the service. I am happy to know that there's people out there thinking to the people in need like me, and I do tell my friends that there's a far more useful Charity organisation called OBADO, people who have are trying to make other people's life better, through giving them food and other things making them feel better and happy. I thank you again, the world needs people like you. God bless you all."

Mrs. Teddy Noblin

"I would like to thank OBADO Charity for looking after us nonstop, during this COVID-19 pandemic period. You really helped us to stay in isolation without worrying, when you supported us with food, sanitizing stuff, and credit on our phones, and not to that only, but calling on us once a week, to comfort us. Thank you so much OBADO, God bless you abundantly. And people there who are feeling lonely in your houses, please contact OBADO, it won't be the same."

Maria Kyomukama

"Thanks to OBADO, you have been my caring when I was in need, you did a great job for me and the friend I introduced you thank you so, we now know where to turn and where we are lonely you visit us and even make it phone call, I am letting people know about OBADO and I will always support OBADO. May God bless OBADO."

Joel Francis

"Obado is a great organisation and as a 90 year old pensioner I have found the service to be invaluable in combating loneliness and isolation. It has provided a place where I can meet new people and take part in social activities like card games, Scrabble and Domino's. I have made friends and I really look forward to the two meetings each week. During the pandemic lock down when we haven't been able to meet OBADO has been very supportive by contacting me weekly by phone and also providing cultural foods to me and to other members of OBADO."

Our Sponsors

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