March 18
OBADO strictly observes government COVID-19 guidelines on social distancing, wearing of Personal Protective Equipment such as masks, gloves; (aprons for staff) at the premises; and encourage use of anti-bacterial wipes and sanitizer to maintain hygiene keeping service users and the staff safe.
Service users are engaged in the following activities:
• Social activities including handcraft, knitting to exercise fingers and hand coordination.
• Mind stimulating games: Card games, Scrabble, Dominoes, Snakes and Ladders.
• Storytelling and memory training exercises to promote mental health.
• Simple physical exercises depending on different capabilities to promote physical health.
OBADO has two dedicated volunteers who run the activities. They look after service users and ensure they are comfortable including providing them with teas, coffees, water, snacks, fruits & lunch etc.
None of the service users requires personal care at the Centre, they are all self-caring.
Volunteers monitor and ensure service users are dropped off and taken back safely by their family members and trusted means of transport.
OBADO hopes to fully function in future when safe to do so.